Acadia Science Fellowship
Request for Proposals for Research in 2025
Protecting Acadia National Park in today’s rapidly changing world demands high-quality, forward-looking research, greater access to and engagement with science, improved science communication skills, and increased relevance and inclusion.
Building on the success of Second Century Stewardship, Schoodic Institute will support a new generation of talented scientists doing innovative, management-relevant research; telling stories of park science that inform, inspire, and reach new audiences; and engage the public in ways that stimulate learning, curiosity, and concern for Acadia and national parks more broadly.
Goals of Acadia Science Fellowship:
Support stewardship of park resources through advancing conservation and ecosystem science
Strengthen public understanding of the importance of science for parks and society
Increase public engagement with science.
Number of fellowships, award amount, and timing
We expect to award one to three fellowships of up to $30,000 each. Announcement of the awards will be made in spring 2025. Duration is for one to three years.
COVID-19 Considerations
There remains uncertainty about the future of COVID-19 and how research in Acadia could be affected in future years. We understand that projects may have to adjust to the realities of the pandemic and we will be flexible in regards to project scope, logistics, and timeline. In the application, please assume that you will be able to conduct your project as planned but be prepared to adapt as realities necessitate.
Relevant research topics
Proposed projects should be relevant to resource management and long-term stewardship of Acadia National Park. Multi-park projects, including Acadia, are also encouraged. Relevant disciplines may include, but are not limited to ( in alphabetical order , not by priority): archeology, botany, citizen science, climate change adaptation, communication, conservation, cultural resources, ecology, economics, education, geology, historic preservation, natural resources, recreation, restoration, social science, sustainability, and projects that cross or combine disciplines. The park's Resource Stewardship Strategy provides more information on priorities and research needs( a summary is available here). Proposals should be for scientific research. Proposals for communication, outreach, or education projects are not eligible.
Who Should Apply:
We encourage early-career scientists, assistant professors, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students to apply. Applicants must be U.S. residents and at least 18 years in age. Employees of NPS and Schoodic Institute, and past Second Century Stewardship or Acadia Science Fellows are not eligible to apply.
Evaluation of proposals
A committee consisting of representatives from Acadia Science Fellowship partners will evaluate the proposals based on the criteria listed below. Additional technical and park experts may be called upon to review the scientific aspects of the proposals. Expect that some reviewers will be from outside the discipline addressed by your project.
Proposals will be evaluated based upon:
25% - Intellectual merit: advancing knowledge within and across disciplines
25% - Relevance to long-term stewardship of Acadia National Park and potential to inform resource management
20% - Potential to contribute to education and science communication
15% - Potential to contribute or lead to long-term research at Acadia National Park
15% - Qualifications of the applicant—evidence of skills and expertise to carry out the proposed work as well as professional potential
Successful proposals will:
Have high potential to increase understanding of and inform responses to change in socio-ecological systems.
Address priority information needs specific to Acadia National Park, but in ways that can inform our understanding or management of systems and parks in other locations.
Be cost-effective, reasonable, and achievable in terms of scope and goals given the funding, expertise, and experience of the researcher.
Provide evidence that the applicant is committed to connecting their research to management applications and communicating it to varied audiences.
Schoodic Institute and NPS will work closely with fellows to develop and implement appropriate communication, education, and public engagement activities, as well as activities to help translate research to management. Fellows will receive training and support for science communication. Proposals must show evidence that the PI has strong interest in connecting research with management and communicating to varied audiences, but proposals should not describe specific education and communication activities planned in association with the proposed research—we will develop these activities together after awarding the fellowships.
Expectations and requirements of fellows
Budget limit - Each proposal may request up to a total of $30,000 for research, including stipend, supplies, equipment, and/or travel for the full duration of the fellowship (1-3 years).
Lodging - Overnight accommodations for researchers and field assistants is expected to be available at Schoodic Institute. Proposals should describe the anticipated lodging needs (timing and number of people), but costs should not be included in the budget.
Timeline - The fellowship period may extend one to three years.
Communication and education - Fellows should plan to spend two weeks (80 hours) on communication and education-related activities. Fellows should also plan in their schedule for at least one 3-day trip to a paid training or workshop coordinated by Schoodic Institute and NPS. Overall, proposals should budget for the time spent on communication and education activities and training, but do not need to budget for travel or other expenses related to those education and communication activities organized by Acadia Science Fellowship.
Mentorship - Fellows will be paired with a mentor to support the project. This mentor could be an established scientist, resource manager, or communication specialist, and the mentorship may include connecting research with management and policy and communicating science to varied audiences.
Permits - Fellows will be required to obtain NPS research permits and must abide by the conditions and reporting requirements of permits. Please see the Acadia National Park Information for Researchers page for more information on the permitting process and requirements.
Documenting, managing, and sharing methods and data - Fellows must follow best practices for documenting, managing, and sharing research methods, data, and metadata. We suggest fellows follow the recommendations of DataONE.org for documenting workflow and archiving and sharing data.
Reporting - Fellows will be required to submit a) brief annual updates due January 30 each year; b) a final report expected within 90 days of completion of fieldwork; and c) notification of all related reports and publications. The updates and final report will note any modification to objectives, will include summaries suitable for publication by Acadia Science Fellowship partners, and will include progress made on:
The research timeline and milestones
Data management
Educational and communication activities and measured impacts
New, additional funding sources, if any (other funding is not required)
Funds spent
Other aspects to be defined
Deadline:Proposals must be submitted by 5:00 pm Eastern U.S. time on October 31, 2024.

1. Register
Click on the "Register" link and complete and submit the registration form.
2. Login
Login to the online system with your email and password.
3. Create
Create your online application.
4. Save
During the Call for Applications period, your application can be saved as DRAFT until all the required information is completed and attachments uploaded. As each section is complete, you will see a appear in the information tab when the application is saved. At any time, you can download and print your application by clicking on the icon in the Application Summary section.
5. Submit
On completion, save your Application as FINAL. Download and print a copy of your application for your records by clicking on the icon in the Application Summary section in the right column. Note: If an update is required prior to the Call for Applications period, you can make the update and resave as FINAL.
How to apply:Proposals will be accepted through the Acadia Science Fellowship Apply page. The online application site will open September 4, 2024. The online application components are included in the following Application Requirements document.
Informational webinar:An overview of the Acadia Science Fellowship, the application process, and park research priorities will be held on Monday, September 16 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern time. We strongly recommend that you attend the 90-minute webinar. Please register here. The webinar will be recorded and available here for those unable to attend.
Notification of Awards: Recipients will be notified by March 1, 2025. We expect to award one to three fellowships in 2025.
Deadline: Proposals must be submitted by 5:00pm Eastern U.S. time on October 31, 2024.
More information:
Acadia Science Fellowship https://schoodicinstitute.org/acadiasciencefellowship/
Second Century Stewardship Initiative: www.scsparkscience.org
Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park: www.schoodicinstitute.org
Acadia National Park: www.nps.gov/acad/learn/index.htm
Questions should be sent to: asfellow@schoodicinstitute.org
Contact Us
Schoodic InstituteP.O. Box 277
Winter Harbor, Maine